
4 Ways To Improve Your Networking Results

Posted by Braden Kowalski // November 16, 2015

Proper networking skills are at the heart of every successful real estate investor. You may be able to find deals through marketing, but nothing can help grow your business quicker than networking. What many investors forget is that real estate is done by real people inside of a local area. People like to work with […]

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7 Easy Ways To Get More Real Estate Business

Posted by Braden Kowalski // October 19, 2015

Who doesn’t want more real estate business? What about higher ROIs, more profitable deals, or faster closing times? Real estate marketing and generating leads is just one part of the equation when it comes to actually getting more deals, and making more money. Marketing, advertising, branding, and web traffic are all important parts of this […]

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7 Things Realtors Must Know About Real Estate Investors

Posted by Braden Kowalski // September 1, 2015

What do real estate agents really need to know about investors? The relationship between real estate agents and investors has gotten a lot better over the last few years. This is mostly due to the fact that investors have been absolutely critical to the survival of Realtors. If it wasn’t for investors, a lot more […]

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How To Get The Most Out Of Your Business Relationships

Posted by Braden Kowalski // July 28, 2015

A large part of the real estate investing industry is about developing business relationships. You can be strong in other areas of the trade, but if your relationship skills are lacking your business will suffer. There is no faster way to sink your business than neglecting to foster healthy relationships. It is not enough to […]

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4 Social Media Mistakes Not To Make When Promoting Your Business

Posted by Braden Kowalski // July 22, 2015

The importance of a properly managed marketing campaign cannot be underestimated. As a new investor, sometimes a well-organized marketing strategy is all that stands between you and reaching the masses. Essentially, it is, oftentimes, the only way inventors can establish their business in a subsequent market. However, what does it take to run a successful […]

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Top 10 Summer Vacation Rental Markets

Posted by Braden Kowalski // July 9, 2015

Nearly a decade has passed since the onset of the most recent recession, and real estate investing is stronger than ever. Home flips are seeing larger profits, as appreciation rates and a lack of inventory are driving up spreads. However, buy and hold investors will argue that they are primed to experience more success than […]

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Alternatives To Getting Your Real Estate License

Posted by Braden Kowalski // June 30, 2015

Real estate investors are increasingly being pressured to get their real estate licenses. However, is that the best idea? What are the alternatives? We recently covered the increased pressure many real estate investors are facing to get licensed. Most of it is peer pressure, especially from those that don’t understand the system. In other cases, […]

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8 Of The Best-Kept Secrets For Selling A Home

Posted by Braden Kowalski // June 25, 2015

As an investor, selling a home often represents about a month’s worth of hard work and dedication. In many cases, it is the culmination of several months of work. However, while it takes a lot to get to that point, there is still more to do on the horizon. Simply put, the house needs to […]

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Top Backyard Trends For 2015

Posted by Braden Kowalski // June 9, 2015

home improvements

Summer is nearly upon us, and that means homeowners across the country are gearing up for warmer weather. Outdoor patios and living spaces will soon be occupied with people hosting neighborhood barbecues and various social gatherings. That also means that prospective homebuyers will be looking to take advantage of homes that are adequately prepared to […]

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10 Real Estate Lessons From Playing Xbox With Your Teen

Posted by Braden Kowalski // May 20, 2015

What real estate lessons can investors pick up from playing Xbox with their kids? Now that we’ve generally gotten over our kids playing video games, it might be time to sit down and play a round or two with them. Real estate investors might find it offers both some much needed quality time and a […]

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