
4 Reasons You Can’t Afford Not To Buy A Home

Posted by Braden Kowalski // January 26, 2016

You simply can’t afford to miss out on today’s real estate market. It’s a great time to buy a home. Some are wrestling with this decision as they compare the state of today’s market with where it was no more than ten years ago. They see how prices have gone up tens, and even hundreds, […]

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7 Essential Moves To Retain Your Real Estate Credibility

Posted by Braden Kowalski // December 15, 2015

It’s hard to earn a good reputation, yet so easy to lose it. So how can you maintain your credibility in the real estate industry? As the real estate market keeps improving, it is getting more crowded. As the crowd grows, so to does the number of scammers, and those that do a poor job […]

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7 Things Realtors Must Know About Real Estate Investors

Posted by Braden Kowalski // September 1, 2015

What do real estate agents really need to know about investors? The relationship between real estate agents and investors has gotten a lot better over the last few years. This is mostly due to the fact that investors have been absolutely critical to the survival of Realtors. If it wasn’t for investors, a lot more […]

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Investing In Real Estate At A Young Age: How To Get Ahead & Stay Ahead

Posted by Braden Kowalski // August 17, 2015

How can young, aspiring real estate investors overcome the challenges that have become synonymous with the industry, and stay ahead of the competition? Millennials aren’t just one of the biggest forces in the home buying market today, they are the next generation of real estate investors. Of particular concern, however, are the perceived challenges that […]

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8 Of The Best-Kept Secrets For Selling A Home

Posted by Braden Kowalski // June 25, 2015

As an investor, selling a home often represents about a month’s worth of hard work and dedication. In many cases, it is the culmination of several months of work. However, while it takes a lot to get to that point, there is still more to do on the horizon. Simply put, the house needs to […]

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10 Real Estate Lessons From Playing Xbox With Your Teen

Posted by Braden Kowalski // May 20, 2015

What real estate lessons can investors pick up from playing Xbox with their kids? Now that we’ve generally gotten over our kids playing video games, it might be time to sit down and play a round or two with them. Real estate investors might find it offers both some much needed quality time and a […]

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